BowHunters Jamboree
IT's Back 2024
Citrus Wildlife Management area
Bowhunters Jamboree
Aug, 31
Sept, 1, 2,
Around 1961, the Florida Archery Association's bowhunter members decided to establish a group or committee to pursue the idea of establishing a statewide archery hunting season in Florida. To form the committee to pursue this lofty goal, each of the affiliated archery clubs were asked to designate a representative to serve on this committee. The committee made up of these representatives be...ame known as The Florida Bowhunter's Council. The FBC is an educational entity that evolved in teaching and promoting responsible, ethical bowhunting. We are also a legislative watchdog involved in assessing and recommending legislative changes, proposed rule changes, and lobbying on behalf of Florida Bowhunters. The Council contributes to the state and national initiatives through active Director involvement in committees and panels, attendance of FWC meetings, its legislative lobbying, and membership or financial contributions to organizations with similar interests. We maintain a database of thousands of members, past members, special interests, Florida bowhunting, and their contact information for use in an emergency mobilization in support or opposition of critical bowhunting issues. Our Bowhunter Jamboree has been the main source of fundraising for over 50 years and kicks off our annual membership drive.

We work to protect bowhunting in Florida from the anti- bowhunter through funding and education programs. We are active with the Florida Wildlife Commission. We teach bowhunter education, responsibility, safety, and hunting ethics. We are dedicated to promoting and preserving bowhunting. As a member, you will receive the Florida Bowhunter Bulletin. We are Florida archers hunting white-tailed deer, wild hogs, Osceola wild turkey, and many other species found here.
Your non-profit Florida bowhunting association
The volunteer council that works for you the bowhunter
We work to protect bowhunting in Florida from the anti- bowhunter through funding and education programs.
We are active with the Florida Wildlife Commission.
We teach bowhunter education, responsibility, safety, and hunting ethics.
We are dedicated to promoting and preserving bowhunting.